Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week of February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010 - I just got home from Vegas and after Daddy, Miles and Tyson picked me up from the airport we went to Seaport Village to walk around since it was such a beutiful day. We went inside a hat shop in Seaport Village and Miles put on a little fashion show. He looked so cute in all of the different types of hats!

( Daddy and Miles have on the same hat, so cute!)
(Miles has on his own hat in this picture. His expression was priceless in this shot. I love it!)
(Tyson stopped to get a drink at the water fountain)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - Daddy had his photography class this evening and got some awesome shots so I just wanted to share a few of them with you. Enjoy....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week of February 15, 2010

(Uncle Adam was occupying Miles while I was getting packed up for mu Vegas trip)

Monday, February 22, 2010- I am on the plan now for Las Vegas. I surprised myself and didn’t cry when Uncle Adam dropped me off at the airport with Miles. It will be very strange for me to wake up and not feed Miles twice in the middle of the night but I will definitely be pumping a lot in Vegas. I left Miles with about 78 ounces of milk in the freezer which I hope will last the 4 days I will be gone. It’s going to be so hard for me but I know Daddy will have a lot of fun with Miles while Mommy is away. Grandma Johnson will be watching Miles Tuesday and Wednesday and Daddy is taking off Thursday to be with Miles. I will be home Thursday in the late afternoon. I had to go to Vegas for work and I am going to try and enjoy myself and get some much needed sleep but I know my heart will be at home with my family. It been about a year since I found out I was pregnant with Miles and my life has really changed in a year but it has definitely changed for the better. I love my family so much and Miles is so loved by his Mom and Dad. I don’t know if Daddy will be updating the blog while I am in Vegas but I will check back on Thursday and let you know how everything goes. Below is a normal routine schedule I have with Miles for those of you who will be watching Miles while I am out of town:

Between 8 -9 a.m. – Miles normally wakes up to begin his day. I feed him, change his diaper and lather him in lotion. He loves that part. Then I bring him downstairs and he plays in his play mat for about an hour and I put music on for him with the toy.

Around 11 or 12 he takes a nap or eats again

Around 3 he is up for awhile till about 7ish.

Between 7 and 8pm he goes down for the evening and doesn’t wake up again till about 11:30 or midnight

After his midnight feeding he wake up again about 3:30 or 4 to eat and then again about 7 am. Then the day starts again at about 9 a.m.

Miles like to be on his tummy for a little bit, about 10 to 15 minutes at a time and he can go in his jumperoo for about 10 minutes as well.

Please give him lots of kisses for me!!!!! Thanks so much to everyone for helping out while Mommy is out of town!

Sunday, February 21, 2010 – WoW! Today was a very busy day. We woke up this morning and got ready to go to our friend Kari and Steve’s baby shower. They are having a baby boy due at the end of March so Miles has a new friend on the way. We made Kari a diaper cake and also gave her some clothes. We played one of the games that was at my shower which was finding the safety pins in the rice. Towards the end of the baby shower Miles started to get a little fussy and only wanted be held by me which is strange b/c normally Miles loves being in Daddy’s arms. I think he could sense I was leaving the next day for Vegas. For the rest of the day Miles only wanted to be held by me and anytime I gave him to anyone else he started crying. For the first time, I really felt like he knew I was his Mommy. It was pretty special but a little frustrating since he didn’t want to be held by anyone else. After the shower we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Johnson’s house for dinner with the whole Johnson family and Renarda and Mike. Grandma Johnson made chicken cheese enchiladas which was very yummy. Renarda and Mike are considering moving out to San Diego from Chicago which would be awesome to have some family out here! We left their house around 7:30 and on the way home from their house Miles had a melt down in the car and I had to pull over b/c I could not take him crying any longer, it had been at about 15 minutes. So I pulled over and fed him and then put him back in his carseat and he fell right to sleep and didn’t wake up again till about midnight. I didn’t want to wake him so we just let him sleep in his car seat in the house until he woke up. I was busy getting ready for my trip to Vegas the next day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010 – We met up with Renarda and Mike again for dinner in Point Loma. Grandma and Grandpa Johnson joined us as well as cousin Ana. We had a very nice dinner and Miles behaved himself as usual and slept the whole time. Being back in Point Loma reminded me of my wedding day. I can’t believe we have already been married for 7 months. Time is going by so fast! During the day on Saturday, Daddy and I worked on getting the garage cleaned up so we can finally park both cars in the garage again. We packed away all of Miles’ clothes that he has grown out of already. He is almost 5 months old now and he can wear 12 month clothes. He is such a big boy! The 12 month clothes are roomy on him so I am hoping he will be able to wear them at least thru summer time.

Friday, February 19, 2010 – I had an optometrist appointment today and I took Miles with me. Since I have really bad eyes and Daddy has twice as bad vision as I do we are pretty sure Miles will need glasses at a young age. The optometrist was a nice enough to take a look at Miles’ eyes to make sure he was eye coordination was good and he could follow objects, which he could do very well. So for now, his eyes seem to fine but the Doctor said he would need to get a full exam before he goes to kindergarten. Wow kindergarten! That seems so far away! After my appointment I fed Miles in the waiting room, as I was feeding him he went to the bathroom and it came out of his diaper all over his clothes almost up his whole back. I had to give him a mini bath with just the baby wipes I had. I was not definitely not prepared for that to happen, but I changed his clothes and got him right in the bathtub when we got home.

Thursday, February 18, 2010 – Daddy’s cousin Renarda and her husband Mike were in town from Chicago. They came over to our house for dinner and they got to meet Miles. Last time we saw Renarda I was pregnant with Miles. Renardna is his first second cousin he has met but he will meet many more when we go out to Chicago this summer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week of February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - Miles is getting stronger and stronger everyday. Now when I put him on his tummy he can lift his head so high and he is so so so close to rolling over. I hope he rolls over by the weekend since I am leaving for Vegas on Monday for 4 days. Today the family went on a walk when Daddy got home from work. It has been so nice in San Diego these past few days. Miles was happy to be outside for some fresh air.

(I love this picture. Its so hard to capture him smiling!!)
(He is tired from his "belly time")(Miles trying to roll over)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - We went back to the pediatrician today since Miles has had a cough for almost a week and his eyes started to get red. I have been sick for over a week and I think I might have had a minor case of pink eye that I gave to Miles. The doctor prescribed Miles some eye drops. Miles also got weighed today and he was about 15 lbs. 8 oz. Dr. Littman said Miles is breathing fine so not to worry about the cough and it will go away on its own. Luckly we didn't have to get any shots at this appointment.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekend of February 11, 2010 - Valentine's Day Weekend! & Miles first time holding a toy!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010 - Grandma and Grandpa Johnson got Miles a jumperoo for X-mas and today was his first time sitting in it. He is still too short to jump in it but had fun exploring all of the toys!
Sunday - February 14, 2010 - Happy Valentine's Day! Daddy booked a reservation for bruch in La Jolla at a new restaurant. The place allowed dogs so Tyson was able to join us. It was another gorgeous day in sunny SD and a perfect day to go to the beach. Brunch was so nice and we are planning to go back to the restaurant again soon. After brunch we walked on the boardwalk in La Jolla. Miles fell asleep as usual. I think the ocean waves crashing lulled him to sleep. It was a perfect V-day and this year was special since it was out first as husband and wife and as mommy and daddy!

Saturday, February 13, 2010 - It was such a nice day in San Diego so we wanted to do something outside so we headed to the Wild Animal Park. This was not only Miles' first time to the park but Daddy had never been either. Miles enjoyed looking at the elephants. He was sleeping when we got to the lions and the tigers but now that we have the annual pass to the zoo and the Wild Animal Park we will be going a lot more. Daddy had fun taking pictures of all the animals and practicing his new photography skills.

Friday, February 12, 2010 - Miles is just starting to grasp toys. He doesn't grab the toys from my hands yet but I can put something in his hands and he will hold on to it. Of course, every toy ends up in his mouth as you can see from the pictures. Many more firsts will start coming soon!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010 - I had some meetings at the office today so Aunt LaTasha babysat Miles at our house. Aunt LaTasha did an excellent job watching Miles and he even took a few naps for her.

Here are some more pictures from Thursday....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend of February 5, 2010 - Superbowl Weekend!!!

Sunday, February 7. 2010 - Superbowl Sunday! The whole family went to spend Superbowl and Uncle Marcus' friend's house. Of course Miles got a lot of attention from everyone so it was a long day for him. It was his first Superbowl and I think he had a lot of fun. I can't believe he was in my belly for superbowl last year! After the game we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's house for a quick visit so they could hang out with Miles.

Saturday, February 6, 2010 - We organized Miles' room and rearranged his funiture. We are finally getting his room together. I will post a picture when it is all done! Later that evening we met Steve and Leigh for dinner at Poway Sushi. The food was so yummy and the company was great as well. As usual Miles slept the whole time so we got to enjoy a nice dinner out!

Friday, February 5, 2010 - Uncle Adam stayed the night over and Daddy and I just relaxed and watched movies.